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Leadership Opportunities

WBDI provides ample opportunities for women to serve as leaders in the organization.
  • STATE CHAIRS: If you don't see your state represented in the list of state chairs please volunteer to be your state's chair.

  • COMMITTEE MEMBERS: If you see a committee on which you would like to serve, please contact that committee's chair. Current needs are listed below:

    • Website - Help maintain current information on the website; several people can serve in small capacities to help maintain the information.

    • Membership - Serve on a committee which introduces new members in The Woman Conductor and helps maintain member news on the website.

    • Women of the Podium - Maintains biographical information on members to keep an up-to-date list of accomplishments over the course of our organization's existence.

    • Awards - Serve with the Immediate Past President to receive nominations and vote to approve.

  • ARTICLE SUBMISSIONS: We are always looking for new and informative articles for our journal. Please submit your article and ask Journal Editor, Kathy Cox, any questions.

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